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Ecommerce Web Developer

Understanding Social Commerce vs eCommerce

By Ecommerce Web Developer, Social Media Marketing
Understanding Social Commerce vs eCommerce

Selling products and services online has opened a brand new way for businesses to reach consumers worldwide. However, with this new way of doing business comes new terminology and concepts that can be confusing for business owners just starting out.

If you are interested in boosting revenue via digital channels, you have two main options: social commerce and eCommerce.

In this post, we will define both of these terms, look at the pros and cons of each, and help you decide which option is right for your business (with a little help from the right marketing team!)

Why Sell Online?
Before we break down the options, we must ask – why sell online at all?

There are many reasons, but the three main benefits of selling online are:

  1. Increased Reach: With an online store, you can sell to anyone in the world who has access to the internet.
  2. Enhanced Sales: Not only can you reach more people, but you can also sell more products and services because of the global reach of the internet.
  3. Improved Efficiency: Selling online allows you to run your business from anywhere in the world, at any time. You no longer have to be tied down to a physical store location.

The digital world has made it easier than ever for business owners to reach more customers and sell more products, regardless of their geographical location. And with the right marketing team by your side, you can make the most of both social commerce and eCommerce to grow your business.

What is eCommerce?
eCommerce is the process of buying and selling products and services online. It covers a wide range of activities, from retail shopping to business-to-business transactions.

eCommerce is a fast-growing industry, with global sales expected to exceed the trillions in the coming year. Nearly anyone with a computer and access to a distributor can participate in eCommerce – and you can reach a global consumer base in seconds!

How eCommerce Works
eCommerce is a two-way street. Sellers must offer products that people want to buy, and buyers must feel confident that they are getting a good deal.

Most eCommerce sellers will set up an online storefront where consumers can browse and buy products. The seller will then ship the products to the buyer’s address.

In addition to retail shopping, eCommerce also enables businesses to sell products and services directly to other businesses. This is known as business-to-business (B2B) eCommerce.

While eCommerce has far less overhead than a brick-and-mortar store, it does have some costs. Sellers must pay for a domain name and web hosting, and they may also need to invest in eCommerce software or a shopping cart system.

However, those who can set up an eCommerce system and drive traffic to their store can enjoy a high degree of success.

What is Social Commerce?
Social commerce is similar to eCommerce but run through the vein of social media. Rather than depending on a website storefront, social commerce allows customers to buy products directly from a company’s social media page without ever having to leave the platform.

This helps companies keep customers engaged and browsing their social media pages, which can lead to more sales.

How Social Commerce Works
Rather than simply depending on their main website storefront to drive sales, social commerce businesses use their social media pages as a means of interacting with potential and current customers.

This interaction can take many forms, including:

  1. Posting product photos and descriptions and tag relevant brands or products.
  2. Sharing customer reviews and testimonials.
  3. Offering exclusive discounts or coupon codes to followers.
  4. Running contests and giveaways.
  5. Hosting live video or chat sessions with experts on the product.
  6. Partnering with influencers to promote products.
  7. Creating social media-exclusive content, such as videos, blogs, and infographics.
  8. Building a community of customers who can interact with one another.

Social commerce businesses can use any or all of these methods to interact with potential and current customers on social media. The more engaged a company is with its social media followers, the more likely they are to make a sale.

The Power of the Influencer
One of the primary reasons that social commerce is overtaking eCommerce is the rise of the influencer.

An influencer is an individual who has a large following on social media and wields significant influence over that audience.

Many social commerce businesses partner with influencers to promote their products – creating a unique form of marketing.

The influencer will post a photo or video of themselves using the product, with a caption that includes a special discount code or link to the product page. This type of advertising is incredibly powerful, as it encourages followers to buy the product not just because they trust the influencer but also because they want to get the same product as the influencer.

The Future of Social Commerce
Social commerce is quickly becoming the preferred way to shop for online shoppers. With social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest leading the way, social commerce allows customers to buy products directly from a company’s social media page without ever having to leave the platform.

This is a huge advantage for companies, as it keeps customers engaged and browsing their social media pages, which can lead to more sales. Yet at the heart of social commerce rests the basic tenants of eCommerce – so businesses who can set up an eCommerce system and drive traffic to their store can enjoy a high degree of success.

Start Social Selling with Startup
Social commerce and eCommerce are poised to lead the way in online sales. If you’re looking to start a business or just want to increase your sales, it’s important to understand the basics of social commerce and how it differs from eCommerce.

One of the best ways to ensure that you start off your eCommerce journey on the right foot is by partnering with Startup, an eCommerce platform that helps businesses of all sizes set up and run their online stores.

At Startup, our team of digital marketing experts can work with you to design and develop a powerful eCommerce strategy that puts your products and services in front of the right audience.

From online storefronts that drive traffic to strategies to engage influencers across social media platforms, Startup has your eCommerce needs covered. Contact us today to learn how to start selling online like a pro.

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Where Should I Sell? WooCommerce vs Shopify

By Ecommerce Web Developer
Where Should I Sell? WooCommerce vs Shopify

In the world of eCommerce, there are no few options for small business owners looking to start and grow an online store. The benefits of selling online are evident – low overhead costs, global reach, and no need to carry inventory on-site.

Yet, with so many options by which to sell available on the market, choosing the right platform for your business can be difficult. In this post, we’ll compare two of the most popular eCommerce platforms – WooCommerce and Shopify – to help you decide which is best for you.

Both WooCommerce and Shopify offer sellers the same essential capabilities: both platforms allow you to create an online store, add products, manage orders, and process payments.

However, there are some key differences between the two platforms that may make one more suited for your business than the other.

Let’s take a closer look at each and how you can make the right decision on which to use for your business.

First, let’s discuss Shopify. Founded in 2006, Shopify is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms on the market.

With over half a million users, Shopify has been able to build a large and active community of developers and entrepreneurs who can help you get started with your online store.

Shopify is an all-in-one platform – meaning that you don’t need to purchase any additional software or services in order to get started. This makes it a good choice for businesses that are just starting out and don’t want to invest in additional tools or services.

In addition, Shopify offers a wide range of templates and themes that can be used to create your store, as well as a library of apps and extensions that can be used to add additional functionality. This makes it easy to get started with Shopify and customize your store to fit your needs.

Shopify also offers 24/7 customer support, which can be helpful if you run into any problems or need help setting up your store.

Next, let’s take a look at WooCommerce. WooCommerce is a plugin that can be added to WordPress, making it a good choice for businesses that are already using WordPress or who want to use WordPress as their eCommerce platform.

WooCommerce is free and open-source, which means that you can download it and use it for free. However, you will need to purchase a domain name and hosting in order to use WooCommerce.

WooCommerce is a good choice for businesses that want more flexibility and control over their eCommerce store. WooCommerce gives you the ability to customize your store however you want. You also have access to a wider range of themes and templates than you do with Shopify.

However, WooCommerce can be more difficult to use than Shopify, and it may require more technical knowledge. This means that to take true advantage of WooCommerce’s capabilities, you may need to hire a developer to help you set up and manage your store.

Which Is Right for You?
So, which is right for you – WooCommerce or Shopify? The answer depends on your business needs and preferences.

“I just need to set up a fast online store.”
Shopify is a good choice for businesses that want an easy, all-in-one platform to set up and run an online store. It offers a wide range of templates and themes, as well as 24/7 customer support.

Setting up a store with Shopify is easy – you don’t need any additional software or services, and you can get started right away. As you add products and grow your business, Shopify has the ability to scale with you.

However, Shopify offers fewer options for customization than WooCommerce, so if you want more control over the look and feel of your store. Those who are interested in diving into the depths of coding and development would be better suited with WooCommerce.

“I want complete control of my online store.”
This makes sense – if you are looking to fully take advantage of your eCommerce store, you want to use a platform that gives you the most freedom and flexibility. WooCommerce is a good choice for businesses who want more control over their store and those who want to use WordPress as their eCommerce platform.

WooCommerce offers more options for customization than Shopify, making it a good choice for businesses that want to have more control over the look and feel of their store. However, WooCommerce can be more difficult to use than Shopify, so it may require more technical knowledge.

If you are looking for a platform that gives you more freedom and flexibility, WooCommerce is a good choice. Plus, if you are already running a WordPress blog or website, adding WooCommerce as integration is easy to do.

Create Your Perfect eCommerce Store with Standout
Building a successful online eCommerce presence starts with the right platform. If you want to ensure that online buyers can find your store quickly and make seamless payments, choosing Shopify or WooCommerce can be a great way to go.

How do you know which platform is right for you? Our eCommerce experts can help! At Standout, we offer custom WooCommerce and Shopify development, as well as design and marketing services to help your business grow online.

Our team of experts can help you choose the right platform, set up your store, design a beautiful and user-friendly interface, and market your store to attract new customers.

Our digital marketing firm can help you take your eCommerce store to the next level. We can help you create a winning eCommerce strategy from marketing strategies to conversion optimization.

Ready to learn more? Contact us today to learn how to create the perfect eCommerce store for your business!

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